January 20, 2008 8:34 pm
Many folks have urged me to create a blog and, until this evening when I read the blog created by a special friend, I've avoided the urging by others. So, this is my first comment: one by which I believe the Blog's Title needs to be explained.
My former father-in-law, Emmett B. Adams, lived most of his life in Taney County, Missouri. I should probably point out that in the years I knew him, I addressed him as "Mr. Adams" and always referred to him as my, then, wife's father.
He was both a simple and a complex fellow, and someone whose memory I cherish. Emmett was a Godly Presbyterian who rarely missed a Sunday sermon. As I recall, the only times I experienced him not attending Sunday School and Church were those Sundays when he was off somewhere (Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri or somewhere else) judging either horses or fox hounds. Oh yes, the man was an avid horseman and Ozark fox hunter. Many a long night it was that I sat with his friends and him around a fire in the woods, eating beans and bacon, swapping stories and bragging about "Old Blue's" or some other hound's mouth as the scent was caught.
More about Emmett at other times. Why I am calling this blog "The Plime Blank Truth" has to do with Emmett Adams. He once wrote a small book of anecdotes and local lore by that title. I have a copy and will probably share some of that here. I use the title in honor of Emmett Adams - a man who never swore (much), and who I recall never hearing a slurring word about anyone coming from his mouth. He spoke the "Plime Blank Truth," or he figured what he wanted to say just "warn't worth sayin." So, thats the splaination about my blog's title.
I intend this blog to be a forum for thoughts (mine and others) about whatever might come to mind - patriotiic, phylosphical, political, religious and anything else. About all I ask is that readers and responders think and act kindly of one another and work at avoiding assumptive, disparing labels.
Because of my upbringing, I intend also to attempt dialectical humor from time to time. My primary male role model during the formative years was my uncle, George Frechette. From him and others along the way, somehow, I learned to appreciate, enjoy and respect the French-Canadian Quebecois culture that sits atop and underpins the values of Northern Vermont. Some of what I'll share has been published and is in my small collection of folk lore material developed during the 20th century. Some will be original reflecting some of my experiences.
Now that I've begun, I believe I'll just stop here and put some fuel in the furnace so my energy level maintains.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
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