The major petroleum companies have held drilling rights and privileges to off-shore and on the continent regions with proven oil resources. As I wrote last night, some of those resources will be costly to bring to the well head. But, what is most bothersome, and which most Americans know or admit nothing about is that the petroleum companies have absolutely no interest in opening up new and known oil fields on which they already have drilling and production rights.
Think about the dramatic rise in end product prices. Then, think about the profits the companies are already reaping from what they purchase and what they, themselves produce. Now, think about the vast billions of already known resources over which those companies already hold the rights to produce, and think about what it is worth to them to not drill and produce more end product. Now, think about why those self-same damned petroleum companies might be agitating for more and more drilling rights over known resources where drilling rights are restricted by laws which were enacted back in the 1970s when oil by the barrel cost what? $10-15.00 per bbl compared with today's per bbl cost of ________? Now, do you get it?
I believe we need to stop this damned jabber-walling and complaining merely about the obscene profits those companies are enjoying and stop allowing them to adhere to the ludicrous claims that they are pumping (pun intended) those windfall profits back into production etc ... for which they get significant tax deductions ... and just think about what they are sitting on and what more they want to sit on.
If people in would just figure that out, and accept the obvious, we would stop bowing to the petroleum gods, we would rise and insist that the windfall profit protections guaranteed by our government and laws be stopped, we would continue to insist that our legally protected regions continue to be off-limits, and we would demand that those companies begin producing the resources they already have legitimate access to.
More, if people in this country would just stop allowing the petroleum industry and the federal government to allow the finger-pointing at OPEC, the Saudis, Venezuala, and others and demand that our government stop protecting the corporations which really control our fuel availability and costs, we just might be able to work ourselves out of the mess the government has gotten us into.
Your thoughts?
Friday, June 20, 2008
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