Friday, May 2, 2008

Growing Up Again

One of my life's persistent and periodic questions has been, "OK Sam, what'n ell are you going to do now that you're growing up again?" At this point in my life, I'm putting truth to power: I'm once again "failing competently at retirement."

About three weeks ago, I was offered and accepted a full time position as a program manager for a company which recruits, obtains subsidized training for and moves participants who are low income and over 55 years of age into unsubsidized employment for which they've recently been trained. Some of those folks are training in occupations they've always wanted to work in and some are merely upgrading and obtaining skills needed for occupations they've worked in at sometime in their past. I'm supervising five community-based offices and their staff on the eastern region of Vermont from Canada to the Massachusetts border.

Guess this "new" failure means one cannot "go back in time," but can go forward in time.
Feels good {;?)

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